311 Fan Spotlight – Josh Kutscher – 5/18/15

Josh is the one with his tongue sticking out :)
Josh is the one with his tongue sticking out 🙂

Welcome back my friends in 311 nation! Time to kick off the new week with the latest 311 fan spotlight! Let’s meet Josh Kutscher!

10 years old was the age Josh discovered 311, back in 1994. His sisters boyfriend was playing the Grassroots album and while he didn’t really understand most of the lyrics at the time, he was hooked on the sound. “I distinctly remember how the music grabbed me, how different it was than what I was used to listening to. The whole package just blew my mind.” Josh then begged his dad to take him to a show, and his father agreed because Josh said he had no idea who they were and probably thought it was an all ages show. “He got tickets to a show in Baltimore at a place called the Eight By Ten. If you’ve been there you know it’s called that because it’s literally an 8×10 room, it’s so small and intimate. When we got there however, it was 21 and over, so I was denied. I remember walking back towards our car and I was obviously upset. The manager of the venue saw my dad and I and asked what was wrong. We explained that I was too young and couldn’t get in. He looked at me, and looked at my dad and said “Come with me”. We walked back to the front and he went to the door guy and said “I’m pretty sure he’s not going to be drinking”. From there he took my dad and I to the side, up the stairs and let us watch from the side right next to the stage. The show was amazing, my dad was probably freaked out a little. I just remember thinking how tall all the guys were cause I was right by them. I’m 5’7 now as an adult. So I was teeny tiny back then.”

After his first live experience with 311, the Blue album came out the next year and he was completely hooked. He fell off the obsession for a bit until early college with a friend Russ, and that’s when the obsession fully took over. “I met so many amazing people through social media and being older and able to travel on my own allowed me to start doing all the big events.”  As far as how many shows he’s been to, Josh lost count a long time ago. He believes he’s definitely close to the 100 mark. When asked what his favorite show or event has been so far, he said it’s hard to choose. But he ended up saying the second cruise because of the weather and the fact that his favorite local band, Ballyhoo, was on it for the first time. “Those guys made that trip so special for me and I’ll never forget how kind they’ve been to me over the years. I have a special place for those guys. They made me want to get back into music, and hopefully my latest degree in business will help me get to that point but on the other side of things. I still love to play music and do whenever I can. I love writing songs, I wish I was more tech savvy so I could record more easily, it takes me a little longer for things that shouldn’t, but the end product is still the same.”

It was hard for Josh to narrow down his favorite song, he even told me at one point he was stuck on answering it because it really changes depending on the time or mood he’s in. He said there are about four or five that have helped him through things. “Down” he chose for sentimental value, because he says it’s what sealed the deal eventually. “I just remember being 11 or 12 years old and watching the video on MTV and thinking how cool they were after already getting sucked in listening to Grassroots. I got so excited when I saw them on TV because I didn’t remember hearing them on the radio or anything before that.” As far as which song impacts him emotionally he chose “Sometimes Jacks Rule the Realm.” “I remember Vegas 311Day 2012 they played it and I remember just getting lost in Tim’s solo and remember thinking at that moment how amazing my life is with 311 in it.”

Josh has lived in Reisterstown (a suburb of Baltimore, Maryland) his entire life. He was adopted at the age of 6 months old and has a non-biological sister who was also adopted. It was at an early age that his parents got he and his sister into music. He was able to play piano really well by the age of 5 or 6. Then he was taught guitar, saxophone, and bass guitar. “Because of piano, I was able to play pretty much any instrument with how I had to do music theory and stuff. When learning the guitar, I pictured a piano on my fret. Piano is whole and half notes, and scales etc. The guitar is the same thing. It’s just taking those scales and putting them to strings. Half notes are black keys and whole notes are white. I bet many people never thought of the guitar like a piano in that sense.” He credits his dad as his biggest influence in music. “He got to see all the good bands like The Beatles, The Doors, and The Who. He said when he saw The Beatles he didn’t hear one song. I asked why and he said it was too loud because of all the girls screaming and technology back then. If you weren’t semi close it was hard to hear.”

Something many may not know about Josh is that he has two degrees. “I probably don’t come across as a smart person lol, and not that I’m a genius, I worked for every A that I got. But I have an engineering degree and worked in that field for 2-3 years before realizing I hate it. Went back to school for Business because I really want to do something in music or just business in general.” Right now to fund his 311 habit, Josh works as a bartender. “It’s weird, I’ve had an engineering job before and make more bartending now. But I guess that’s life.” One thing Josh knows is that he really wants to succeed in business and he knows he will because it’s all about the opportunities that present themselves. “I think it’s funny when people ask me what I want to do. It’s more like what don’t I want to do, and they think because I don’t have one set thing specifically that I don’t know what to do, but really it’s that I don’t hinder myself to one path. Life is funny that way.”

If you’re friends with Josh on Facebook, then you know he has an adorable pup named Coda and he loves him!! When I asked him if he has something that makes him unique he even said, “If napping and cuddling with Coda was a unique talent, then I’d be very unique.” Coda means the world to him and obviously his name comes from 311. One of Josh’s guilty pleasures is this British band call Rixton. “They’re like a British Maroon 5. I hate to admit I love them but that one song ‘Me and My Broken Heart’ is so damn catchy.” He said he also sadly loves The Voice. “A lot of people will hate on me for that because it’s bad for music, but I wish I could sing. It’s the one talent I don’t have and if I did I would write so many more songs. I have a ton lying around I don’t record because I can’t sing. I just play the piano to how it should be sung with the lyrics.”

Favorite lyric from a 311 song he says has to be “Fuck the naysayers and he has a great explanation of why these words are his favorites: “Just because life is too short. I’ve been guilty in the past of miscommunication etc. so don’t think I’m on my high horse saying this, I’m older now, a little wiser, more laid back. People are surprised when they meet me for the first time in person. I’m very different than it may seem online. I really have nothing but love for everyone. I feel bad when there’s someone who thinks there may be an issue between us or holds a grudge because I would squash it in a heartbeat if there’s still bad feelings. I genuinely love everyone for their individuality and it’s what makes it so fun to be a 311 fan.”

Josh would like to send this message to the band (I only gave him one sentence to do it): “When are you bringing me on tour?”

Finally his message to all of the fans out there in 311 nation:

“I just want to say to everyone out there in 311 land- No matter if we’re friends or we haven’t met yet, or have been friends but aren’t anymore, that I have nothing but love for all of you and cherish all the moments we have together. I know communication is hard when it’s over miles and miles and we’re all so passionate. Things can come across differently than they are meant, or things can get taken wrong as well. But I know it’s not purposeful, and we are all here for the same reason, to enjoy the band we all love. Some of my most rewarding friendships have come recently from people who I have had a disagreement with in the past and have squashed whatever the issue was, or people who judged me based on what other people said despite never meeting me in person, and after meeting me in person having such love and admiration for each other. Each and every one of you and every experience good or bad has shaped me and changed me for the better. I owe so much to all of you and words could never express how much you all mean to me. If you see me please always say hi! I don’t always recognize or remember everyone but I don’t want to miss out on making a memory with any of you. PLUR!”


That my amazing friends is Josh’s story! I hope you enjoyed it as always and I can’t thank everyone enough for reading, let alone all the people who participate in my project! Can I conquer writing all of your stories? I can promise you I will surely try. Have an amazing week 311 nation!! Keep on spreading the love and positivity everywhere you go.

Much love – The Runt