311 Fan Spotlight #411 – 11/13/23 – Ammi Tucker!

Welcome again my Excitable friends to the latest edition of the 311 Fan Spotlight! This week let’s meet the lovely Ammi Tucker!

Ammi said she will always remember the first day that she heard the sweet sounds of 311. “I was 12 and in 7th grade, still making it through the first few months after losing my mom in a car accident, and trying to find a new normal but struggling with lots of emotions. I came home after school one afternoon and popped on TRL for noise when Down came on. I stopped everything that I was doing and just watched. I’d never heard anything like that, and it immediately called to me. Just everything about it, the music, the aggression balanced with the singing, the beat and hooks. I knew I had to get their album and I went to Sam Goody as soon as I could and got it. I was hooked. Then I immediately went backwards and bought Music, Grassroots, and every bootleg (Teenie Weenie, Omaha Sessions, etc) or anything else I could find lol.”

Show count for Ammi is at 18 (she said it’s partly due to her location and not having access to as many shows). She met her husband David when she was 16 and only 2 shows in, so they’ve gotten to experience most of the shows together. “I’ve lived my whole life in northeast Arkansas, so we were frequent Memphis showgoers. Then, we had a big gap where we were busy raising kids and working all the time like young families do. Now, we’ve gotten to a better place and have started making road trips / mini vacations out of 311 concerts.”

First show for Ammi was September 9, 1997, when they played with Goldfinger at the Mud Island Amphitheater in Memphis. “I was 13 and had been listening for about a year at that time and the show was captivating for me. Being a teenager living in a very small town, it was so awesome to see other Excitables coming together to enjoy their music. Definitely happy it opened my eyes that the world was a lot bigger than my little bubble.”

As for favorite show or event, Ammi said for a long time it was a small venue tour show that she caught in 1999. “I snagged a spot on the rail at the New Daisy Theater in Memphis (where the Fan Party was in 311 day ‘06), Omaha Stylee opener, the whole show was insane.” Another great show she attended was the Chicago album shows in 2022. “Though Transistor was the tour of my first show, the energy at the Transistor night in Chicago was unforgettable. First time seeing Omaha Stylee as a closer, and it’s now my favorite way to end the show!”

However her most favorite show was her first 311 Day in 2006. “Despite only being 8 hours away, I’d never considered traveling to NOLA for the event, just thought it was something out of my reach (and budget, we were still newlyweds). Tragically, August of ‘05 was Hurricane Katrina, and once the immediate shock and emergency management subsided, it became apparent that 311 Day would have to cancel or move. Then, the stars aligned and they moved it to MEMPHIS. At that time, that was the only city I could see them in, and it was like Christmas. I called into a radio station and begged on air for tickets and won lol. So also, at that time, the 311BB was still alive and thriving, and I was somewhat active there, making signature banners and such for fellow BBers. As you all probably remember, P-Nut’s mom Joan was a mod and frequented the board as well. Well, I decided to shoot my shot and made this giant PDF of area points of interest and stuff, welcoming them to the area and offering to help in any way. I emailed it off to management and everyone’s email I could find, and about choked when I got an email back. VERY long story short, I ended up picking a crew up at the airport, helping get them around Memphis, meeting the band for the first time, and getting a peek at rehearsal. It was the absolute coolest day of my life, and I’m grateful for the opportunity to have been a part of it.”

There are several songs that have a special place in Ammi’s heart. “Eons when facing delayed grief over my mother’s passing, and Don’t Worry when going through a cancer scare (thankfully was all clear). Don’t Dwell got in heavy rotation when choosing to let go of past pain and move forward with life. BUT the one that always has hung through it all is Jupiter. It’s such a simple song, but just a good reminder that regardless of the curveballs that come your way, always try to look on the bright side.”

One of Ammi’s favorite lyrics is “You can’t be let down if you don’t expect the world.” She also loves this line from Don’t Tread On Me: “In the shadow of those looming battleships, I love our canoe.” “To me, it always made (and still makes) me think of my husband and how no matter what happens around us, we’re in it together.”

Northeast Arkansas is where Ammi has lived all her life and she started going to concerts in Memphis with her aunts when she was very young. “I think my first was Motley Crue and Whitesnake when I was 3 years old lol.” She has a background in marketing and communications, and now works at a local community college that she loves and feels very passionate about their mission. “I’ve always tried to be a positive force wherever I am, and through faith and music have rebounded from some pretty hard knocks. Thankful for all the trials, as it made me appreciate everything in life so much more.”

As Ammi mentioned, she met her husband David when she was just 16 years old. They’ve been together ever since then. “He was my version of a high school sweetheart, and though we’ve each changed tremendously since then, we’ve continued to grow together and still enjoy each other’s company. Now we’ve got a houseful of boys, two teenagers and 1st grade twins, and are loving life :)”

Another fun fact is that they are a house of band kids! “David and I both received the John Phillip Sousa awards our senior years, and we’ve got two boys in the band now. We’re very active with the band boosters at our school and help raise money however we can to support the music program. I’m passionate about the interdisciplinary impact and value of music education, and do whatever I can to help spread the word and enable more students to pursue performance and learning.”

Guilty pleasure for Ammi she said is The Sims. ” I’m an OG player that took a long break of about 10 years but recently got back into it, and I’ve been obsessed with the new building options. I’m also really into genetic genealogy and exploring family trees and stuff.”

When not listening to 311, Ammi said her playlist is a jumbled collection of artists and genres and what she is listening to really depends on her mood, activity, or the weather. “Spotify cannot keep up with recommendations for me lol. In one area, I’ve got Sublime, Everclear, Weezer, Cake, No Doubt, Bush, The Strokes, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Muse, and lots of stuff that was on heavy rotation in the mid-late 90’s and 2000’s. Then in another corner, you’ll find George Clinton & P Funk, Booker T & The MG’s, Stevie Wonder, Bill Withers, Curtis Mayfield, Otis Redding, Tower of Power, etc. Then you’ll find bands I’ve learned about through 311, like Goldfinger, Little Stranger, Jungle Fire, Los Stellarians, The Urge, Tropidelic, Ballyhoo, Bumpin Uglies, etc. Dig around some more and you’ll find grandson, Daft Punk, Fastball, Limp Bizkit, The Cure, Living Colour, Weird Al, KISS, and a whole menagerie of random artists. I’m a walking jukebox lol.”

For a message to 311, Ammi has these words: “Thank you guys for staying real and genuine even with your successes. You’ve all been so nice and humble every time I’ve met you, and it’s refreshing that you are all so down to earth and kind. Even at your shows, it’s evident that you’re all grateful and appreciative of those there. Also, it’s been fun “growing up” with y’all and seeing you all with families and stuff now that we’re parents, too.”

Now here is her message to all the other fans out there:

“Fellow 311 fans are some of my favorite people. Some I met decades ago, others only recently, but I love the kinship and vibe that you all bring. Thank you for showing a young girl from a little Arkansas town that she had her place with some awesome people outside the bubble. Keep staying positive!”

Thank you so much Ammi for sharing your story with us all! Also a huge thank you to all the readers & supporters of this little blog each week. It truly brings me joy to share your stories. Hope you all have the best week possible!

Much Love – The Runt