311 Fan Spotlight #393 – 5/22/23 – Jerad Davis!

Hello again Excitable nation! Welcome to another edition of the 311 fan spotlight. This week let’s meet Jerad Davis!

It was when Jerad first got his drivers permit and he drove to Best Buy with a friend who proceeded to tell him to buy the blue album. “Their unique sound and live shows are what really turned me on to them.”

For show count, Jerad went back and added them up and surprised himself by finding out he’s only been to 41. However 22 of them have been since 2020 when he really started to travel to shows. “My first show was 2/24/1996 at Roy Wikins Hall in St. Paul, MN.  Had gone to see Cypress Hill.  The Pharcyde and 311 opened for them.  311 opened with Homebrew and the crowd rushed the stage.  I lost a shoe and ended up going up to the balcony as I was just blown away by the energy.  Watching the crowd bounce up and down as one organism was absolutely amazing! This is when I fell in love with 311!”

Jerad said it’s too tough to pick just one favorite show or event. He obviously loved his first show…but he also mentioned 311 Day 2020 being incredible for so many reasons. “I met in person for the first time some of my best friends to this day and the fact the band played half of their catalogue over 3 days and 6 sets.  So eerie leaving Vegas because the world had just shut down from COVID.  Then Red Rocks 2021 was a blast! I was there with so many close friends and made new ones.  The venue alone is worth it.  The Halloween show at The Stanley Hotel in 2021 where they filmed parts of The Shining was memorable.  Dressed as Alice from Alice in Wonderland that night! The album shows in Chicago and L.A. were epic as well.  Watching the Transistor set with my friends and the energy of the Blue album show is something I’ll never forget! Lastly, my first 311 Cruise this year was incredible. The sail away show was probably my favorite! Hearing Visit on the boat was magical!”

One of Jerad’s favorite songs is “Born to Live” because it has a very personal meaning to him. “It’s a miracle that I’m alive. I was diagnosed with liver and kidney failure.   I was in the ICU for 60 days and was told I probably wouldn’t make it out.  I have since had both transplants.”

Some lyrics that resonate with Jerad include: “About time to give up on the same old stuff I’m stuck on. And just say that it went wrong and move along,” “You got to keep on climbing the hill. Cause if you think you’ll make it you will’,’ and “It’s been a wild ride, I wouldn’t change a minute.”

Jerad grew up in Apple Valley, Minnesota, about 15 minutes south of Minneapolis. He has lived in and around this area his entire life and attended the University of Minnesota. He first really started getting into music by listening to what his father was listening to. “Started out with The Doors, Led Zepplin, and Pink Floyd.  What can I say, my dad has great taste in music.  My first concert was Tom Petty with one of my sisters the summer of 1995 when I was 15.  It was the start of my concert addiction.  In high school my friends and I went to many shows.  Some memorable ones were Rage against the Machine, Beastie Boys, Tribe Called Quest, Fugees, Cypress Hill, and of course 311! My favorite part of going to shows (especially traveling) is all the friends I get to meet up with.  It’s become more about the friendships and hanging out then the shows themselves.  They are just an added bonus.”

Fun fact about Jerad is that he checked himself out of the ICU to go see 311 one time. “It was against doctors orders.  I went back to the hospital after the show.  I was told that I might not have much longer to live and if I was going to die, I wanted to see my favorite band one last time.”

Jerad has a very unique relationship with his dad and it’s more of a friendship rather than a father/son bond. “He is one of my best friends.  We spend a lot of time together and I am able to share anything with him.  We go to a lot of sporting events together and watch a lot of movies and shows.  All my friends get along with my dad.  He can talk to them for hours while I don’t say too much.  Lol.  He understands my love for 311 and traveling to shows.”

Guilty pleasure for Jerad is custom framing artwork. “I have over 40 custom framed concert posters and art prints.  I think the frames are art into and of themselves.  I feel they greatly add the overall aesthetic of the piece of art. Most of them are concert attended posters. I’ve definitely slowed down on collecting over the last year as it’s not a cheap hobby and I only have so much wall space!”

Another band that is at the top of Jerad’s playlist right now is Slightly Stoopid. “They are so much fun to see live!  I’ll be seeing them in August at Red Rocks where they’re playing two nights in a row.  Also, a big Stick Figure and Dirty Heads fan.  I’ll be seeing them at Fiddlers Green in Denver next month.”

To 311, Jerad would like to send this message: ” Thank you for all the music, live shows, and the friendships I’ve made because of you guys”

Now here is his message to all his fellow 311 fans out there:

“Slow down, life’s not a race.  Don’t take everything so seriously. Quality over quantity.”


Thank you Jerad for sharing your 311 story with us all! And of course, my sincere gratitude to all the readers of this little blog. Now go have an amazing week. Sending good vibes to you all!

Much Love – The Runt