311 Fan Spotlight #369 – 8/22/22 – Brandy Sirk Rakes!

Hello again my friends out there in 311 nation! Are we ready for the newest addition to the 311 fan spotlight? Let’s meet Brandy Sirk Rakes!

It was when the self-titled Blue album was released that Brandy became a fan. She was in the 7th grade and heard “Down” on the radio. “I was blown away. They were so different from the grunge/alternative music I was into at the time. When I finally got my hands on the CD, I knew I’d be a fan for life. The melodies, beats and harmonies – what’s not to love?”

As for live shows, Brandy thinks she’s only seen 311 live about 5-6 times, outside of seeing them on the cruise. First show for her was in Dallas, Texas, in 2001. “I went with my best friend who was also a huge fan. It was an amazing show! :)” Favorite event for her was the 2012 cruise. “I went with my husband to celebrate our 10 year wedding anniversary. We had the BEST time and we met some great people. Watching 311 perform on the beach was definitely the highlight of the trip!”

While she couldn’t narrow it down to one song in particular, Brandy said the whole album “Soundsystem” is special to her. “Not only is the album badass, but the reoccurring theme of being true to who you are was what I needed at the time. I was 17 when the album was released, so not a kid and not quite an adult. I think that’s definitely the point in life where you realize that being “cool” isn’t important and it really is ok to be yourself.”

Lyrics that really connect with Brandy are from “Beyond the Gray Sky.” She said the words are just so powerful. “I think we’ve all known someone who’s wanted to, or maybe has, ended their own life. The song is a reminder that you are loved and that things can get better… one day you’ll see the clear blue.”

Brandy was born in Germany, where her father was stationed at the time. They lived there for 3 years before moving to Nebraska, not far from Omaha. When her parents divorced she and her mom moved to a tiny town in Arkansas. “I lived there until I got married and we moved to the Little Rock area. I currently work in the legal department for a public utility.”

Fun fact about Brandy is that she has a degree in Geology! She’s also a very organized person. “I have lists and spreadsheets about things I need to do and goals to reach. I even help my friends keep their lives in order. Haha.” Guilty pleasure for her is the soap opera “General Hospital.” ” I know, I know. I’ve been watching it since I was a little kid, and I can’t give it up.”

When not listening to 311, other artists jamming on Brandy’s playlist include The Toadies, Queens of the Stone Age, Primus, Nirvana, and Stone Temple Pilots, just to name a few.

To 311, Brandy would like to say these words: “Thanks for not only creating great music, but for building a community.”

Now her words to all the other fans out there:

“Enjoy the music and forget about everything else! :)”

Thank you Brandy for sharing your story with us all! Of course, many thanks to all the readers each time. Thanks for coming back each edition. Have an amazing week friends.

Much Love – The Runt