311 Fan Spotlight #342 – 12/6/21 – Brook Savoy!

Welcome again my friends in 311 nation! It’s that time – let’s meet a new fan. Here is the story of Brook Savoy!

It was with a group of friends that Brook started listening to 311, she had met them through an ex-boyfriend. “They were all obsessed (I get it now) with their shows and different events and of course their music. A lot of them had 311 of some sort tattooed on them which I thought was ridiculous to get a band logo tattooed on your body and here I am now, three 311 tattoos later. ha.”

Show count for Brook is at 36. Her first show was in Salt Lake City, Utah, back in 2009. As for favorite show/event, it’s hard to pick just one. However she did say that the 2017 cruise was definitely one of the top three favorite experiences of her life.

The song “Dodging Raindrops” is one that really connects with Brook. “I can relate a lot to that song specially because it came out shortly after I was diagnosed with bipolar.”

The lyric “From chaos comes clarity” is one that Brook really loves. “It’s just so true. From everything under the sun with life and relationships to work and school and money. Whatever hard things you are going through. . . you’re going to gain a lesson from that and everything will make sense. Everything happens for a reason.”

Brook was born and raised in Salt Lake City, Utah, and was raised by her grandma and grandpa. “Not being religious separated me a lot from the kids I was growing up around. Couldn’t play with some. Wasn’t welcomed into others homes. Some kids wouldn’t even talk to me. Didn’t bother me much. Just figured “their loss. I’m cool as shit!”

Brook graduated from high school and gave college a shot, but she wasn’t really a fan so she ended up with a serving job at the age of 21 and has been in the service industry ever since. “I’m a full time bartender/server at a local wing and beer spot here in Salt Lake but won’t be here much longer as I’m moving to Austin early next year. . . surprise for those who didn’t know! It will be my first time leaving home so wish me luck! For now, I’m only at one bar but during the summer and busy time for the service industry I usually work 2 bar jobs. One to pay the bills, the other to support my 311 habit.”

Interesting tidbit of info about Brook, she doesn’t like bacon or peanut butter. “I know.. I know. Just means more for those who do like it.” Something that makes her unique is that she LOVES to write. “Write in a journal. Write a review. Write a letter, a story or even just a Facebook post about someone I love on their special day or something. Love it.
And event planning and interior decorating. So much fun!”

Other artists that Brook loves include Dirty heads, Rebelution, The Menzingers, The Interrupters, No Doubt, Atmosphere, Pepper, Royal Bliss, Hanson (yes mmbop Hanson), Katastro, The Front Bottoms, Weezer, Alanis Morissette, Dreamers, Rdgldgrn, and Odesza. “I’m all over the place, EXCEPT country. Hard pass.”

As for guilty pleasure? Brook loves The Bachelor and The Bachelorette. “Can’t. Get. Enough.”

As for what she would say to the band if she met them, Brook said she has practiced daily in the mirror what she will say when she FINALLY runs into Nick. “I still haven’t figured it out. Something along the lines of “Thank you” tho.”

Here are her words to all her fellow 311 fans:

“Lions don’t lose sleep over the opinion of sheep.” “Don’t care what others think of you and live your life to the fullest. You do you and do what makes you happy. Don’t be afraid of being judged. Because people that judge you aren’t your friends and they don’t matter so why would you let someone that doesn’t matter stop you from being happy and successful.”

Thank you Brook for sharing your story with everyone! Much gratitude per the usual to all the supporters of this little blog. Have an amazing week friends, keep being awesome.

Much Love – The Runt