311 Fan Spotlight #338 – 10/18/21 – Jim Smiles!

Hey there my friends out in 311 nation! It’s a new week and that means a new fan spotlight. Let’s read the story of Jim Smiles!

Jim was with his best friend in 1996 when he heard the song “Down” on the radio. “I just absolutely loved the rhythms and how Nick and SA traded off. I was instantly hooked.”

Show count for Jim at the moment is sitting at 19. First show for him was in his hometown of Peoria, Illinois back in August of 2001. As for favorite show he’s attended, it’s a tie between his first show and 311 Day 2006 in Memphis. “At my first show at my favorite venue in my hometown, my friends and I caught Nick after doing a sick backflip off the balcony during FTBS.”

Two of his favorite songs, out of many others, are “Use of Time” and “Lose.” For favorite lyric, Jim chose, “The fish who keep on swimming, is the first to chill upstream.”

Jim grew up in a small blue collar town in central Illinois. In 2009 he moved to Jacksonville, Florida, then Memphis, Tennessee, in 2016, followed by Gatlinburg, Tennessee, in 2019. He finally landed in the suburbs of Chicago. “I have been a waiter or bartender for the past 15 years. I loved moving around the country and visiting new places and new people.”

Fun fact about Jim is that he played bass for a local band called Still Heart Conspiracy. “P-Nut is my idol, so I input my love for slap bass into some pretty heavy metal songs.”

Guilty pleasure for Jim is that he still listens to and watches a lot of 90’s music and T.V. shows/movies. “I’m known to be bumping some early Dre, Snoop, and Ice Cube.”

Other musicians that Jim loves include: “The Bastard Suns (a really amazing punk/ska/reggae band from Atlanta) Whole Wheat Bread (a really awesome punk band from Jacksonville, FL) and I kinda got hooked on Twenty One Pilots for a bit.” He also can be found jamming out to Sublime, Incubus, and the Deftones.

Jim’s words to 311 are as follows: “Thank you for 25 years of so much fun. I couldn’t thank them enough for all the joy and help they have provided me over the years!”

Now his words to the other 311 fans out there:

“I’m so proud that us Excitables have stuck around, and hope to see all of you soon!!!! Stay positive and love your life!”

Much gratitude goes out to Jim for sharing his story with all of us, and of course many thanks to all the readers each post! Have an excellent week, keep smiling!

Much Love – The Runt