311 Fan Spotlight #330 – 7/19/21 – Derek Fey!

Hello again my friends out there in 311 nation! We are back to meet another awesome fan. This week the spotlight takes aim on Derek Fey!

It was Derek’s older brother who would play the music of 311 in his room all the time, but it wasn’t until his younger brother got into them that Derek really became interested. ” At first, I couldn’t stand 311 because my younger brother loved the band (it’s what jerk older brothers do – dislike all things the younger brother likes). But he kept playing it and I really started to dig it.”

Then in Derek’s French class at Westside in Omaha, Nick Hexum’s brother Zach sat next to him. “It was 1996 when 311 was exploding and a lot of people in class were bothering Zach about how his brother was so much more successful than him (which I thought was crazy because he was an amazing jazz musician already), so I started to listen to 311 more just to see what it was all about. When I heard the lyric: “f the naysayers because they don’t mean a thing,” I was hooked.”

As for seeing them live, Derek hasn’t been able to get to as many shows as he would like to. His show count is 4, with his first being in 1997 with his 2 brothers in Lincoln, Nebraska, which he said was really cool. As for favorite show, Derek chose the 25th anniversary show at Sokol Auditorium in Omaha, which he went to with his younger brother Adam. “It was really special to go with my brother who really got me into the band – 311 definitely brought me closer to him. And the place was jam-packed on the floor it was jamming.”

As for song that means the most to him, Derek said it’s “Beyond the Gray Sky.” “I just love the idea of seeing beyond negative situations and look at the positive. Find a way to get through life – and help others to get beyond the gray sky as well. And sometimes it doesn’t work out unfortunately.” One of his favorite lyrics also comes from the song: “One day you’ll see the clear blue.” He also loves the lyric, “Fuck the naysayers cuz they don’t mean a thing.” “I love the idea of not letting what others think of you get to you. Ignore the haters.”

Omaha, Nebraska, is where Derek was born and raised. As mentioned before he attended Westside High School, where a few of the members of 311 also went to school. He has lived in or around Omaha his entire life. ” I teach high school social studies at Westside, so it’s pretty neat to be at the school where it all started for some 311 members and where I graduated. I also am the Head Cross Country-Assistant Track Coach at College of Saint Mary in Omaha. And I do contract work timing cross country and track and field meets in the area. Now that I have a good chunk of my bills paid, I’m hoping to use my free-time and funds to get to more 311 shows – starting with a show in Lincoln, NE this September!”

Fun fact about Derek – he works with a friend in Arizona during the summer “catching” reptiles for the state. “We run into rattlesnakes, Gila monsters, and other venomous things all the time. Pretty wild stuff. Pun intended.”

When not listening to 311, other artists that Derek enjoys include The Urge, Pearl Jam, Hoobastank, Dave Matthews, REM and…”I might lose my 311 card for this, Celine Dion (yikes).”

Unique attribute for Derek is that he was gifted with the talent of running. “I’ve run 8 marathons, was one-minute off the Olympic Trials. I’ve done really goofy stuff with running – attempted to run across the state of Nebraska twice, ran an 81-mile ultramarathon in California, ran a marathon on a track (105 laps)…so yeah, running has been in my blood for quite some time.”

While Derek said running is sort of his guilty pleasure, he also thinks that pranking his teaching colleagues is another. “Whether it is using Photoshop to create compromising pictures or putting fake notes on teacher desks from the principal, it makes teaching interesting and fun.”

Derek would like to relay this message to the members of 311: “You guys are an inspiration – keep on grinding!”

Now to all the other 311 fans, here are his words:

“There is no show like a 311 concert and it’s because of the fans – I hope to meet more of you down the road! Stay positive.”

Many thanks to Derek Fey for sharing his story, it was a great one to write! Of course, thank you so much to all the readers out there. Have an amazing week, sending so much positive energy to everyone.

Much Love – The Runt