311 Fan Spotlight #328 – 7/5/21 – Chris Stevens!

Hey there 311 nation! It’s about that time, new fan spotlight time! Start the week off properly by reading the story of Chris Stevens!

It was hearing the song “Down” on the radio, like many others, that first introduced Chris to 311. He really liked the riff and thought it was a tight sounding four piece band. “Then I saw them on Late Night with David Letterman and realized it was a five piece and became more of a fan and then I bought the Blue CD and got involved.”

First show for Chris was in 2018 at the House of Blues in Orlando. He’s only been to 3 live shows so far, but thoroughly enjoyed the live streams the past few months. One of his favorites was the Soundsystem stream. For favorite show he saw live he said it was the one with RDGLDGRN at the House of Blues.

“Sever” is the song that Chris chose as one that means the most to him because he can really relate to the lyrics personally. Some of his favorite lines from their songs include: “Oh there’s a clock in my head, and despite what it says, another one on the wall, they don’t agree at all,” “In my unconscious mind, the door is open unto every kind, eyes open wide, never see what I expect to find,” “Played a track from your record collection, it’s your mix, congratulations,” and “Not an even field to be on, feels like standing still.”

Chris was born in New Jersey, living in various cities until he was in the 6th grade when he moved to Columbus, Ohio, to live with his father. In 1989 he left and joined the U.S. Navy. “I was stationed in Norfolk, San Diego and Guam until 1995, moved back to NJ/NY area until 2005 when I moved to Tampa, FL. I really miss being overseas and getting to see different cultures and meet people. Sometimes because of the language barrier communication was soley music.”

Fun fact about Chris – back in 1991 he turned 21 twice. How you ask? “Because of the time zone difference flying from NY>LA>HI>Guam.” Something that makes Chris unique is that he loves to beatbox.

Other musicians that Chris loves include Jane’s Addiction, The Cure, Deftones, Public Enemy, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Pink Floyd, and Jimi Hendrix.

Guilty pleasure? Chris doesn’t really feel too guilty about anything he enjoys doing. “Maybe in the 80’s when I brought over a Duran Duran cassette to my cousins house who was a metal head, he laughed and said what’s wrong with me. I still like them.”

Message that Chris has for 311 is this: “Thank you for 30 plus years of music and dedication. Can you please play “Sever” more live?”

Now his words to all the other 311 fans:

“I have met some of you out there and looking forward to meeting a lot more. I have made some lifelong friendships through the 311 comm-unity :)”

Thank you Chris Stevens for sharing your 311 story! Many thanks as always to all the readers and supporters. I hope you all had a great Independence Day and have an amazing week!

Much Love – The Runt