311 Fan Spotlight #309 – 12/21/20 – Sarah Smith!

Welcome again friends out in 311 nation! Time marches on and here we are for fan spotlight #309. This week let’s meet Sarah Smith!

It was Sarah’s friend Stephanie who brought 311 into her life during her 7th grade year. She would listen to songs like “Beautiful Disaster,” “Come Original,” and “All Mixed Up” on Winamp. Plus of course watched the music videos online. “I was at an age of discovering myself, my likes, and their music just clicked with me. I instantly fell in love.”

For show count, Sarah said she thinks it’s only 5 but it feels like so many more because each one was just so good. “My first show was in Albany, NY (where I grew up) and they were playing with AAF. My friend had come with me and he was into very heavy rock and screamo and to this day, he still says that this 311 show had THE best mosh pit he has ever been to, and he has been to a lot!”

Favorite show for Sarah was 311 Day 2010 in Las Vegas. “Not only was the show amazing, but the entire experience and few days there were absolutely amazing. There were fans everywhere AND I stayed in room 311! I am dying to go to the next 311 day event.”

First song that came to mind when asked what her favorite is, Sarah said it’s “I’ll Be Here Awhile.” “I can’t say its even a favorite of mine at the moment (I love it! I think I have just listened to it so much!) but that song got me through many hard times when I was younger and it was there to help me going through any hard times I was going through.”

For favorite song lyric, there is a line from “This Too Shall Pass” that hits home for Sarah: “Your problems will seem inconsequential and trivial when you realize one thing, we’re just a speck of dirt on this golf ball called earth so get stupid and sing.” Sarah said these words have gotten her through a lot in her life and helps put things in perspective for her. She also lives by “Stay positive and love your life” as it’s gotten her through tough times and made her the positive person she is today!

Sarah grew up in Albany, New York. She moved to Maine in 2016 and just recently purchased her first home with her fiancĂ©. “I have a dog and 2 cats and I work for them to have a good life. I am a licensed veterinary technician but am not currently in practice but work with the blood analyzers that most veterinary offices use. I am combining my love for animals and my degrees I have with animals with the new degree I am working on, a degree in IT.”

Sarah has a dog named Elsie and she had to bottle raise her from when she was just 2 days old. “So she literally thinks I am mom haha. She is now 6.5 years old and she is perfect!” When not working, Sarah likes to wind down by playing video games. Guilty pleasure for her is cheesy Christmas movies! “I know how they will all end but I will watch them over and over and love them each time!”

Other music that Sarah loves includes Linkin Park, System of a Down, Dashboard Confessional, and Bright Eyes. She also now listens to a lot of Rebelution, Dirty Heads, Slightly Stoopid, Queen, and Too Many Zooz.

Sarah would like to tell 311 these words: “Thank you for getting me through all the good and bad times in my life, you have truly made me the positive person I am today!”

Now her message to all the other fans out there:

“You guys are amazing and I am so happy to be a part of this positive community!”

Thank you Sarah for sharing your story with us all!And a huge congrats on your engagement that just happened!! Of course, much gratitude to all the supporters of this little blog. Hope you all have an amazing week.

Much Love – The Runt