311 Fan spotlight #284 – 4/27/20 – Donald Spangler!

Welcome my friends in 311 nation! I hope you are all staying healthy and safe during this crazy time. Are we ready for this weeks fan spotlight? Let me introduce you to the amazing drummer of Ballyhoo! – Donald Spangler! 

Like many, Donald saw the video for “All Mixed Up” on MTV and that’s how he was introduced to 311. “Can you remember those days, videos on MTV. I remember liking the groove of it.” 

Number of shows he’s attended eludes him because he’s been to A LOT of shows, not to mention played a lot with 311. “I think the first time I saw them was back in ’03. I had been listening to them for years and never saw them, I was super excited.” 

Favorite event for Donald was the Pow Wow Festival. “That was the best time. It was probably one of the best sets I’ve seen by them, not to mention our set was pretty good too, haha! I’m just hoping they do something like that again.”

For song that means the most to him, Donald chose “I Told Myself.” “I was going through a self-inflicted misery at the time and that song really pulled me through.” One of his favorite lyrics comes from the song “From Chaos” – “Everyone tends to forget upon reentry, orbiting space quantum saints we’re the only.” 

Donald was introduced to music at a very early age, he said probably around the age of 4. His father was really into the bands Ratt and Poison and took him and his brother Howi to their first concert. “I just remember thinking, that’s what I want to do. The whole spectacle of the thing, the lights, the loudness, it was entertaining to say the least. We used to “play band” instead of riding our bikes with the other kids or watching cartoons. I would use unsharpened pencils as drumsticks, they had to be unsharpened, haha. We also had some neighbors once that had a band. They would let me mess around on their drums, I was hooked.” Then when Howi entered high school they started their band Ballyhoo!. “From the basement to the stage, I can say music has defined my life. I don’t know what I would do without it.”

Donald played little league growing up and he was a pitcher. “I was pitching one game and ended up striking out 13 people in a row. That’s one of my Uncle Rico stories for ya.” Something unique about him? He brushes his teeth in the shower! “I know thats probably more gross to some people than unique, haha. It saves time and you can get that shit everywhere.”

Guilty pleasure for Donald? It’s the show Judge Judy! “I like watching some justice in action, she’s also super smart and fucks people up when they get out of line, haha.”

Some other artists that Donald loves include Lamb of God, Deftones, Slipknot, and All That Remains. “I like a lot of metal. I still listen to a lot of old stuff too. Nirvana, STP. I don’t mind putting on some classical music either.”

Donald has these words for 311: “Thank you for bringing a unique style to the forefront. Your music has helped me deal with some shit in my life and I can’t thank you enough. As a drummer I would say to Chad, it’s good to have someone to look up to and to force myself to get better everyday. Much appreciated.”

Now his words to all the other 311 (and Ballyhoo!) fans out there:

“To the fans of Ballyhoo!, the past 25 years in this band has been a wild ride and we wouldn’t be where we are without you! So, thank you from the bottom of my heart. We’ll keep rockin if you keep listenin! More to come in 2020!”


Thank you so much Donald for being a part of this! I’m sure everyone loved reading your story and are grateful to you for sharing it. To all the readers, keep being awesome! 

Much Love – The Runt