311 Fan Spotlight – 7/8/19 – Andrea McIrvin!

Hello out there my friends in 311 nation! The time has arrived to learn all about another fan. This week we meet Andrea McIrvin!

For Andrea, 311 came into her life when she was working at a rock radio station KRRO in Sioux  Falls, South Dakota. “All Mixed Up” and “Down” were in rotation at the time. “  Our salesman brought some tickets in to giveaway for a show in Sioux City (an hour down the road on I29), for 311 and Shootyz Groove. It was 1996.  (I think!? Hazy on this.) I gave a bunch of tickets away on air, and kept a pair for myself, and I had the best time!  I bought the Blue CD, and then started listening to the entire album on repeat. And put my first 311 sticker on my car in 1997.”

Count for shows she never really tracked until she met people in the Familia who kept tabs on their shows. She believes it’s somewhere around 25 shows, over 23 years. Her favorite event was 311 Day 2018, which was her first. “It was a dream-come true, after being a fan for so long and never getting a chance to attend.  I went by myself, and stayed in Las Vegas for 4 days.  Made new friends on the 311 Facebook pages before I went, so I had people to connect with once I got there.  And the person sitting next to me both nights of the shows was a total stranger, but totally cool and we are still friends to this day!”

One of her favorite songs is “I’ll Be Here Awhile” and has been the one she turns to when she needs to remind herself “living is a worthwhile thing.” She loves the harmonies and upbeat vibe, the lyrics, and when Andrea sings it out loud in her car, she knows she can make it another day. She also really loves the song “Get Down.” “I made an effort to get in shape after one particular 311 show (and I was dying from exhaustion.)  I listen to that song to begin every walk I take, and I have logged thousands of miles now, with 311 as my soundtrack.” She loves the line, “It’s time to get down, boots to the ground, you know I won’t stop until I hear the bell sound.”

Andrea, who’s radio name is Audrey and to her friends she goes by Aud, grew up in northwest Iowa. She said she’s just as old as the guys in 311. She attended college in Maryville, Missouri, which is just south of Omaha. After graduation she went into the radio field. “I’ve been moving up and down the dial for 27 years now.” She’s been lucky to have worked at several alternative radio stations in the late 90’s and early 2000’s, so she had lots of access to the new stuff from 311. “The Live Album, and then Soundsystem, and all the goodies that went with it from the record company.  Tickets, backstage passes, headshots signed, etc… I ways considered 311 to be my happy pill….. I can listen to many different artists, but when I wanted to be feel GOOD, I put on 311.”

Now working in her hometown of Cherokee, Iowa, she continues to he in the radio industry. She moved back there when her son turned 3 so she could raise him in a safe environment. Her son Jack is now 13. Andrea said she’s and optimist who is “annoyingly” positive and looks for the good in people.” “I go to concerts as a religion, hobby, escape…. I have seen hundreds, and hundreds of shows of just about every artist in rock or pop.”

With her profession in radio and loving to go to concerts, there are many artists that Andrea loves. She loves Butch Walker, his solo stuff and his bands Floyds Funk Revival, The Floyds, and Marvelous 3. “I have seen Butch in some form over 40 times, since 1994.” Other musicians she loves include Toadies, Madonna, Morphine, Beastie Boys, A Tribe Called Quest, Pearl Jam, Rage Against the Machine, Stone Temple Pilots, Janet Jackson, Prince, and Deee-Lite.

Interesting fact about Andrea is that she lost 45 pounds in preparation for 311 Day! She did it walking and to be healthier in general. “I  started walking 6-7 miles a day, from August 2017 to March 2018.  Headphones, 311, and good shoes. It helped having a purpose to be in good shape for that long weekend in Vegas.” Guilty pleasure for her? “PBS Masterpiece is my jam!”

To 311, Andrea has these words: “ I would just thank them for taking their fans seriously… for not overlooking the devotion we have.  I appreciate how much they practice, and the attention to details…. the planning they put into everything they do does not go unnoticed by me.  From marketing, to stage design, to light shows/visuals, album covers, interviews, merchandise and special appearances, in-store meet n greets.. they can literally do it all and always with class, humor, and goodness.”

Her message to all her fellow fans:

“I went to a show in Lincoln Nebraska in June 2017, after taking several years off from concerts to raise my son.  After that show, I googled anything 311, and that’s when I discovered The Familia.  I had NO IDEA there was an entire community of weirdos like me.  I literally thought I was the only one!  I engaged with a lot of different people in the Familia, and eventually got invited to join other 311-inspired groups… I have made SO many new friends, and learned so much more about positivity.  The only message I would want other fans to know is to keep on truckin’.”


Thanks Andrea for sharing your fun story of how you became a 311 fan! Much gratitude for participating and to everyone else for reading. Hope you all have the best week you can have, go spread the good feeling!

Much Love – The Runt