311 Fan Spotlight – 5/20/19 – Joe Waltermann!

Hello all excitable friends! It’s time we meet the latest 311 fan spotlight. This week we meet the other half of last week’s spotlight – Joe Waltermann!

The year was 2005 and Joe and his wife had just moved into a new home. He had just set up his man cave and was going to take a nap.  “My wife decided to sit in the room and watch a concert on TV. Of course I did not sleep as it was 311. It rocked and I was hooked.”

First show for Joe was in 2007 in Indianapolis. He took his wife and kids to it. His show count is now at 35. They’ve been to four 311 Day events, and five out of the six cruises. “Would have been all 6 but it was moved back to May and we had a son graduating High School.”

Favorite show for him was the sail away show on the first cruise. “That was the most exciting and coolest thing to see 2500 people getting ready to set sail. The energy was intense. And this was the start of a lot of great friendships.”

Joe said that he’s not really a lyric guy, that’s Julie. “I am the guy that can’t hear the words and sings the wrong lyrics. But love the music. How does a guy that has been to 35 shows not know any lyrics??  I write my own lyrics for my life and have loved every moment.” Joe is however, all about the energy of the crowd and the rhythm. “I just love to rock to the sound.  It takes me to a place all my own. There are so many great songs. One that gets me chill in my head and then jumping would have to be Creatures.”

Richmond, Indiana, is where Joe is from and the farthest he’s moved is about 90 miles away to a suburb of Indianapolis called Greenwood. Julie and Joe have lived there for 30 years and have 3 kids. For 25 years he’s been a banker and financial advisor. He also loves to volunteer in his community. “People see me as pretty conservative and good person. I do have that dark crazy side that most people don’t see. The positivity of the 311 family allows me to let loose and enjoy the fun in life. Work hard, play hard. I like to spend as much time as I can with the love of my life and best friend, Julie Waltermann. She brings out the best in me. The best 30 years of my life. We love doing as much as we can with our 3 kids even today as they are getting older and have their own lives. We travel together and play in numerous tennis leagues together. My family is the most important part of my life.”

Joe said he is a true introvert. “Someone once called me a Social Introvert. Most people think I am an extrovert  as I am always talking. This is an introverted awkward reaction to silence in a room. It tends to work great in my work life but I am very quiet at home.”

There is a rule Joe created called “my rule of 50” that he goes by. “Not very original but totally effective. Anytime I was going to pass on an adventure because i was an introvert, I would think whether or not I would regret it when I was 50. I almost passed on going on the first cruise due to many issues, family, cost, and am I too old for this. Guess what? Look at the fun I would have missed and the friends I wouldn’t have. This has worked wonders in missing nothing in life with family and friends. I had zero regrets when I turned 50.  OMG!!! I am over 50. Thanks to the music, my heart, body and mind are still in my 30’s.”

Other musicians that Joe loves includes Dirty Heads, Stick Figure, and Rebelution, which he discovered thanks to 311. “I am still a rocker at heart and love the 80’s and 90’s hair bands. We try to catch any of them touring through Indy. I was too quiet when I was younger and never went to concerts. I am making up for it. Use my “rule of 50”.  Can’t forget Evanescence. Love me some Amy Lee.” Guilty pleasure for Joe is any and all action movies. “Gets the adrenaline pumping.”

To 311, Joe’s message is this: “Thank you for giving me this incredible family.”

Words for all the other fans:

“Go to the shows. Love the music and lyrics(those that can hear the words or google them) and meet as many wonderful people as you can. You will love that these are the friends that will always have your back and make some of your best memories.”


Thanks Joe for sharing your story! Keep on rocking everyone  – have a kick ass week!

Much Love – The Runt