311 Fan Spotlight – 2/11/19 – Denise Rattray!

Hello again friends in 311 nation! Shall we get right to it? This week the spotlight takes aim at Denise Rattray!

How Denise found 311 was thanks to her listening to Reel Big Fish and Mighty Mighty Bosstones a lot and then discovered 311 somewhere around 1994. “I loved the mix of different beats that they were throwing down and loved them ever since.”

For show count, Denise is somewhere between 70 and 80. Her first show was in Orlando, Florida. As far as favorite show or event, she said hands down it was Pow Wow in Live Oak, Florida back in 2011. “311, camping, DJ’s…these are a few of my favorite things!”

One song that stands out as special to Denise is “Beyond The Grey Sky.” “Reminds me of a dear friend that suffered from depression and eventually took his own life. I tear up every time. The words are just so powerful… as if i wrote the lyrics myself.”

Favorite quote from a song for Denise is “Fuck the naysayers cause they don’t mean a thing.”

Denise was born in White Plains, New York. She also lived in Florida for many years. Then she decided to go against the grain and move to Virginia. She’s been there for a year now and is starting to think about her next place to move. “I LOVE a good adventure!”

Interesting fact about Denise is that she played classical music for 10 years and was in symphonies for 6 years! Something that she loves is any sport that is death-defying. She said you can count her in for those!

Motto for Denise is, “I don’t live to work, I work to live.” So for her, she works, saves money, and attends as many concerts and festivals that she can, and travels as much as possible! “Hey, someone has to do it!”

Other music that Denise loves includes heavy metal. “I’m a true metal head. Metallica is my first metal band love. Any band that is heavy metal is my jam.” She also is Jamaican so she loves reggae and holds it dear to her heart!

Denise has this to say to the band: “311, I’m a ride or die. There til the very end.”

To all the other 311 fans:

“It doesn’t matter how untraditional you want to live your life, always live your true self.”


There you have the story of Denise Rattray! Thanks to Denise for sharing her tale. Of course, thanks for reading the fan spotlight! Have an amazing week!

Much Love – The Runt