311 Fan Spotlight-7/16/18-Todd Granger!

Welcome back friends to the latest 311 fan spotlight! This week we have the story of Todd Granger! 

While Todd was a fan of 311’s radio hits in the mid 90’s, it was the album Transistor that really hooked him. “That album has a distinct sound that drew me in and made me want more.” 

Show count as of right now stands at 65. His first show was July 23, 2004 in Mansfield, Massachusetts. “That setlist had a lot of Evolver songs.” Favorite event so far though was 311 Day 2016 in New Orleans. “It was a life changing experience for me.”

One song that means a ton to Todd is the song “Visit.” It’s always been his favorite. “The lyrics. The sound. Every instrument. It’s perfection. And pure bliss live. I absolutely go off when they play it. Rap, Rock, Reggae. It’s the perfect example of the 311 stylee. From their FIRST album.” A lyric that stands out to Todd and connects with him is, “If someone digs your art that’s a reason to live. And if ya got a gift then ya know that ya gotta give.” He said being an artist himself this lyric is really important to him. He also loves the lyric, “Do as you will, do as you wish, follow your bliss.”

Todd will tell you he’s from Boston but he actually lives in a suburb just north of Boston called Lynn, Massachusetts. “I’ve been here all my life. I’ve lived in a few different coastal towns such as Salem, Beverly and Quincy.” Todd plays hockey and loves attending Boston Bruins games. “They are my favorite and I am a huge hockey fan.” After high school Todd became involved in photography and worked at Lifetouch for 8 years. “Photographing school picture days and all other school related events such as sports, proms & graduations.  Then left and tried studio photography.  I was with The Picture  People for almost 5 years at the Burlington Mall and N.Shore Mall.  Also photographed a few of my own weddings on the side.  Decided to leave the photo fields and re-pursue my talent in drawing and painting.  It started out as therapy and became my favorite  hobby again.” Todd tries to sell his artwork to fund his 311 habit. “I might also splurge when I’m not supposed to. But, I gotta live my life. My family never traveled much when I was younger and I couldn’t really go to concerts till I was an adult and on my own.” 

Todd is developing his own style of artwork which combines his talents and skills in sketching, drawing, and inking, plus also painting and spray painting. Another talent Todd had was that he used to play piano. “I quit when I was younger but I have been thinking about going back.” 

Something most people know about Todd, if you know him personally, is that he is obsessed with Spiderman. However his guilty pleasure he said is Star Wars. “Been a fan all my life.”

When not listening to the sounds of 311, Todd also enjoys Slightly Stoopid and Stick Figure, two of his other favorite bands. He also likes the classic alternative like Pearl Jam, Alice in Chains, Nirvana, Primus, and Stone Temple Pilots. “I was a 90’s teen.” 

To 311, Todd would like to say: “Thank you 311 for all you’ve done and what you continue to do. And please DONT STOP.”

Now his message to all the 311 fans:

“Be patient. No matter what.

Promote what you love , don’t bash what you hate.

Love always wins.

Believe in Unity thru music.

Stay positive Love your life

May the force be with you

Eat tacos.”


Well said Todd! Thanks for sharing your story with the 311 fan community. Now everyone go be awesome and keep spreading that positive light throughout your week! 

Much Love – The Runt